You're not just any racer when you register for the CleftStrong 5k. You are a "Big Heart Racer"! Send us your picture when you register and we will make sure to pin you to the Big Heart Racer board on our website!
There are several ways to share registrant(s) pictures with us: Email it to us by scrolling to Connect With Us on the left side column of our home page. You can also Tweet it to us or share it via Facebook! With great BIG hearts, we will add you as soon as we can! Register HERE and get a free CleftStrong 5k race day shirt and Race Day Bag!
I remember searching the city endlessly for fun things to do with Richie not long after he was born. I wanted to find fun, family friendly activities that said YOUR STROLLER IS WELCOME. I found some fun things, and I also found a realization that no matter how many activities I found, my search really was never going to end - because there would always be a new, unique experience out there that we could all learn from. If you are a parent with the same search, I hope this reaches you in your search. We are working on an event coming up that welcomes everyone. We welcome you to bring all the kiddos you can fit in your car too! The money raised from this event will mean, without a doubt, amazing support for families all over affected by craniofacial anomalies, but aside from that is something that I focus in on with such compassion. It is the experience that will surely affect the joining kiddos [and adults] for years and years to come.
Within just the few hours on this September 13th morning that you’re walking, running, looking around at the amazing park where we all gather, there will be something that makes all the difference in the world for a young, innocent, and unknowing mind that is so eager to learn about all of the people, places and things that make up the whole entire world around him. Consider that these few short hours of fun together with your family and the rest of the community will leave an impact on your child that will build a strength and knowledge to face what will surely come. The world is full of differences and we are a world of reasoning minds that can tell a difference without much thought or effort at all. Imagine a school yard of innocent minds and a swarm of differences to question and wonder about. How would you like to know that your child sees someone with a cleft lip at school that needs to step away from the rest of the class for speech, or overhears that a classmate of his is needing to leave school for, yet, another doctor appointment this school year and doesn’t come back to school for days because he had another surgery that needed to be done, or maybe notices that his classmate needs to sit closer to the teacher because he can’t hear too well due to all of the ear infections he has had because of a cleft palate, and instead of pointing his finger or wondering aloud, he simply recalls this walk. He recalls a fun morning that he walked with his family and friends in support of someone who could use some help. He recalls learning a thing or two about it on the way there when his parents explained the event they were going to and why. And he explains away other classmate’s questions (whether it be a face gesture or a verbal question) because he knows exactly why he has to do what he has to do and aside from a few differences, he knows he’s just like him. Perhaps, you learn that he was even able to help the teacher's understanding on something. Does this walk really have the ability to provide that kind of wisdom to a young child? I say absolutely. It has the ability to help your child make a difference instead of just noticing one. What an amazing and powerful difference you can rest in knowing about your child. And it won’t be just by chance. It will be because of you. It will be because you opened the door to an opportunity for your child to make a difference in someone else’s life. And I’m not just talking about money. We look forward to this day for so many reasons. It will be an emotional one for me, yet again, fair warning! Join us! It will be a special time. Register Here. |
January 2025
CleftStrongAs hard as you fight, we will strive to fight alongside you. |